The 623F12TBE Unheated Absolute Baratron® Capacitance Manometer with Trip Points features 100 Torr full scale pressure measurement with 0.25% accuracy, and an 8 VCR type female fitting. It has two user adjustable process trip point relays, each with an adjustment range from 0.1% to 100% of Full Scale or voltage equivalent 0.01 to 10 VDC. Dual color LEDs indicate relay status. Typical relay uses include pump cross-over and valve activation. The 623F is an ambient temperature transducer. The instrument operates with ±15 VDC (±5%) input at <100 mA, and provides an output of 0 to 10 VDC linear with pressure. The 623F's sensor exposes only Inconel® to the process permitting the use with corrosive or dirty gases. Measurements are independent of gas composition.
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