The 494017162-1150 PTFE-Teflon® Heater Jacket is designed for use with 1.25 in. pipe, standard modulus, 45 degree ISO flanged elbows, the inner diameter of the heater is 1.7 inches and operates at 100-120 VAC. Series 49UL PTFE-Teflon® heater jackets feature a new advanced Series 49UL temperature controller and intuitive user interface system that enables quick and easy system access and diagnostics. Surface contamination is prevented by utilizing a PTFE-woven shell with ultra-low particulate generation. The low outgassing materials are also ideal for customers that need low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) in the work area. PTFE heaters are generally used in critical applications where elevated temperatures (up to 200°C), and low VOCs are required. The new advanced Series 49UL controller technology allows for more versatility providing maximum flexibility in system configuration. This unique controller integrates a temperature process controller, a high-low temperature alert, power switching with a safety high limit, and detailed diagnostics. The user friendly Series 49UL User Interface System allows quick and easy set up and operation with a downloadable software application that provides full access to all functions of the Series 49UL heater control system. The application provides intuitive system control set up, monitoring, diagnostics and parameter adjustments creating a user friendly experience. The User Interface System adjusts variables such as temperature set points, upper and lower temperature threshold alarms, control parameters, and heater identification as well as advanced parameter setting for users to fine-tune the Series 49UL heater network. The user interface app contains a sequential auto-addressing function which automatically sets the address of the heater controllers in a network, ensuring accurate communication and identification of each connected heater.